Monday, March 31, 2008

Black Book

Last night my Kingman gave me THEE most amazing foot rub. It was certainly needed since I spent most of Saturday on my feet putting braid extensions in my older sister’s hair. Last week a good friend of mine gifted me two (yes TWO) sewing machines and a storage container full of fabric. What a blessing! So this past weekend I got a chance to play around with one of the sewing machines. I’ve even got a little project in the works. I’m still in the designing stages, but very excited about what may become.

In the interim I’m still drawing up and writing down ideas in my little journal. I’m also compiling links of sewing projects I’d like to try. I’m eager to try a pair of pajama pants for the little one.

This week my lil one is out of school for spring break. He’s looking forward to going to the lake and riding his bike. And he’d like to go fishing. That’s not very likely since the lakes are still frozen. In fact it’s snowing today and I here there will be a few inches when it’s all said and done.
A few weekends ago my lil Prince and I attended a birthday bash. I was clever enough to snap a pic of me and my fro and some random Muppet character on my head. Chuck E Cheese is a set up! I spent all my tokens on that jack pot game. Why????


Anonymous said...

Hey FeePee. You're looking cute as ever in your little hatty-hat.

Two sewing machines??? Wow. Gotta love that!

Didn't know you were in the blogland again. Gotsta love it.

Breath of Light said...

Hey Jewells! Good to see you in blog land as well. And you know I'm saving your blog in my favorites!


Unknown said...

ooooh! nothing like the gift of fabric.

**plots on getting a certain someone to give *me* a foot rub**

sounds divine.